04-03-2019|ETSAB, Sala PFC

>SEMINARI 2nd PhD Research Seminar. ON INFRASTRUCTURE AND COLLECTIVITY Monday 4th March 2019 / Aula PFC2 ETSAB Organized by Laboratori d'Urbanisme de Barcelona - LUB and KU Leuven


>ARTICLE "LA MILLOR PLAÇA DEL RAVAL", article de la prof. Maria Rubert a El Periódico.

19-03-2019| Sala d'actes COAC

>CONFERENCE "Designing infrastructure to foster revitalization. Barcelona’s tradition of addressing urban projects" from prof. Marcel Smets. Organised by Permanent Modernity at COAC for the Manuel de Solà-Morales European Prize 2019. With the collaboration of Fundación Arquia, Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC, ETSAB and Departament d'Urbanisme i Ordenació del Territori - DUOT UPC.

21-03-2019|ETSAB, Sala d'actes

>>THESIS LECTURE Conference by Renata Priore, Winner of the Manuel de Solà-Morales European Prize 2019.

20-02-2019|ETSAB, LUB

>PUBLICATION Presentation of the new bookm by professor Xabier Eizaguirre: "El territorio como arquitectura". #lub50anys ETSAB Laboratori d'Urbanisme de Barcelona - LUB Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC

11-02-2019|Llibreria de la Cooperativa d'Arquitectes Jordi Capell

>PUBLICATION presentation of the new book by professor Joan Busquets in "col·lecció del Laboratori d'Urbanisme de Barcelona - LUB". Co-edited by Ajuntament de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC i Laboratori d'Urbanisme de Barcelona - LUB


>ARTICLE La Vanguardia's Magazine 6/1/2019 shows illustrations for Marta Ricart's article: "La ciudad del futuro” with drawings by ETSAB students, coordinated by Maria Rubert i Eulàlia Gomez Escoda, with Laia Alemany, Marina Cervera, Antonio Moro and Dani Navas.

30-11-2018|ETSAB, LUB

>PRESENTATION Presentation of the book: "RE-MIX. Urban production landscapes / Paisatges urbans productius", edited by Carles Crosas and Álvaro Clua, LUB.
Miquel Barceló presents: 'Paisatges productius: després del 22@'

07-11-2018|Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Reus. Campus Bellisens.

>SEMINAR In many old cities, the images sculpted in the frontispices of temples established the first urban iconography. Nowadays, it is often shops and their displays that offer the most attractive images of our cities. That is what we will talk about, of desires and realities scenified by urban commerce, building a recogisable but new image for each city.

18-10-2018|ETSAB, Sala d'actes

>BIENNAL DE PENSAMENT Round table with Carlo Ratti (Director, MIT Senseable City Laboratory) and Ricky Burdett (Director, LSE Cities). Presented by: Carles Muro. Moderated by: Eulàlia Gómez (LUB).

11-10-2018|ETSAB, LUB

>LESSON MSM : Thursday 11 october 2018, 12h · Sala Actes ETSAB
"Ciutats que no són als mapes", in charge of professor Enric Serra.
6th lesson "Memorial Manuel de Solà-Morales"

14-06-2018|ETSAB, LUB

>THESIS LECTURESlow Making District". Marghera City of Making. La Biennale de Venezia 2018.
Proposal for the international competition by team UPC-ETSAB-LUB in 16th Biennale. Venice Pavillion, up until November 25th 2018.
Prof. CARLES CROSAS + JORGE PEREA amb Kerman Arranz, Mar Castarlenas, Enric Pulido, Oriol Riera i Julia Sáez.

01-06-2018|Centre Cultural la Bòbila, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat

>EXPOSITION :Jne 1 to 6th 2018: Exposition "L'H VERTEBRA. looks over l'Hospitalet de Llobregat, de Collserola a la Zona Franca". Presentation of exercises from 'Urbanística II-M 2018 course.
Centre Cultural La Bòbila, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat.

  28-11-2017|ETSAB, LUB

>LUB SHORTAKE "ATRI: Tactical Accomodation of Inclusive Repopulation". Talk by Álex Giménez, Oihana García and David Juárez.

19-10-2017|Barcelona - Mataró

>CONGRESS "The essential contribution of Puig i Cadafalch to the idea of Barcelona as a capital". Talk by professor Josep Parcerisa in the conference "PUIG I CADAFALCH, ARCHITECT OF CATALONIA". [link]

17-10-2017|ETSAB, LUB

>LUB SHORT TAKE "Space Syntax under discussion". A talk by architect Álvaro Clua.

27 to 29-09-2017|Valencia

>CONGRESS XXIV ISUF Valencia. Álvaro Clua, professor and LUB researcher, will present the paper: "Learning from Slussen: place, idea and process in the transformation of central urban interstices". [link]

Fall 2017|ETSAB - UPC

>WORKSHOP BARCELONA PROGRAM UVa. BUVa Fall 2017. A group of undergraduate and graduate students from the University of Virginia School of Architecture and coordinated by professor Manuel Bailo will attend a course in ETSAB. LUB professors, Josep Parcerisa and Álvaro Clua will impart the subject "The Construction of Modern City in Barcelona" [pdf]

03 to 07-06-2017|Royal Institute of British Architects, London

>WORKSHOP NEW URBAN AGENDA RIBA International Week Masterclasses - Student Charrette. International workshop coordinated by LUB professor Carles Crosas. [pdf]


>PRIZE SANT JORDI IEC PRIZE 2017 "Teoría i crítica de l'Arquitectura LLUIS DOMÈNECH I MONTANER" to researcher Eulàlia Gómez Escoda for its PhD Thesis "Comerç, ciutat. Paisatges arran de terra". [link]


>ARTICLE  "MÉS METRO, MÉS XARXA A GRÀCIA" New article by Josep Parcerisa in the last issue of "L'independent de Gràcia" in relation with the extension of the L8 forecast. How to use it to improve the metro in Barcelona? [pdf]


>SEMINAR Next Saturday 5th of November from 10 to 14.30 h it will take place the seminar "Emergent urban landscapes. Can Ricart and other heritage spaces in the Pere IV axis" This is the IV session of the "Taller de Paisatges Urbans emergents", in the context of the "Taula de l’Eix Pere IV" and the european research project EMUVE Unit Barcelona, Gales Architecture School from the Cardiff University, in collaboration with ETSAB and MUHBA. Professors Maria Rubert, Àlex Giménez, Eulàlia Gómez, Anna Majoral and Daniel Navas will take part in this session. [link]


>ARTICLE "L'eixample i les bicicletes" The prof. Josep Parcerisa, Chair professor of Urbanism in ETSAB-LUB, explains in the newspaper "ARA" his point of view about the massive incorporation of bikes in Barcelona and the necessity of new lanes on the Eixample's streets. [link]

29-10-2016|GSD Harvard University, Boston

>CONGRESS On October 29th, 2016 J. Busquets, J. Parcerisa, M. Rubert, C. Crosas and E. Gomez will participate in the conference "Redefining Urban Design: Barcelona as Case Study", on the occasion of the exhibition "New uses for the future of the city. Barcelona, Metropolis of cities"at GSD Harvard University, October-December, 2016.[link]


>SHORT.TAKES On Tuesday, 26th of October, 2016 at 18:00 architect Wladimir Antivil will outline the result of his doctoral research named "Cartografiar la construcción de la Araucanía" directed by prof. Xabi Eizaguirre. The members of LUB and a delegation of researchers and professors from the Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile will participate in it.


>CONFERENCE "Construcciones planimétricas de Santiago de Chile" Organized by researchers J. Rosas, P. Bannen, G. Hidalgo and W. Strabucchi of LUB, PUC and Technische Universität Wien. The exposition will be open from 25 to 28, October.[link]


>ARTICLE Supermanzanas, microislas y cruces súper. The prof. Maria Rubert de Ventós, Chair professor of Urbanism in ETSAB-LUB, explains in El Periódico her point of view about the experimental iniciative of the superblock in Poblenou.[link]

08-09- 2016|KU LEUVEN

>WORKSHOP OLD LANDSCAPES & NEW URBANITIES International Summerschool about the Scheldt-valley, Belgium. With the participation of the LUB professor, Carles Crosas. The summer school offered European master students in architecture, urbanism, landscape design, geography, sociology and anthropology alternative interpretations of the potentials, qualities and characteristics of a dispersed urbanity, manifested in the contemporary landscape.

01-09- 2016|TU DELFT

>CONFERENCE EAAE ANNUAL CONFERENCE & ASSEMBLY SEPTEMBER 2016 ‘For Example Delft’. Lecture of the prof. Maria Rubert de Ventós addresses approaches in architecture education, their past, present & future in relation to professional practice and the architectural discipline. [link]

09-08- 2016|FADEU - PUCCH

>PUBLICATION SANTIAGO 1910: EL CÁNON REPUBLICANO Y LA DISTANCIA CINCO MIL The new book of the teachers Josep Parcerisa Bundó and José Rosas Vera studies the city of Santiago from its urban morphology development and building typologies through the analysis of the city map in 1910. It reveals the development since its foundation in 1541 unitl the first deacdes of the XX century, when the city of El Centenario reached a urbis shape of quality and unity. [file]

03-06- 2016|MUHBA

13:30. MUHBA-Oliva Artés, Barcelona. Exhibition about the results of the course Urbanística II-M.

15-03- 2016|COAC

>PRESENTATION Presentation of the European Prize Manuel de Solà-Morales, at the Manuel de Solà-Morales library, COAC. [link]

14-03- 2016|Venice

>WORKSHOP ETSAB students, along with LUB profesor Carles Crosas, participate in the International Workshop Internacional Integrated Urban Design for Sustainable Metropolitan Region, at the IUAV. [link]

25-02- 2016|Barcelona

>LECTURE 4th Edition of the Manuel de Solà-Morales Memorial. "Querido Manuel, ¿Por qué 22 x 18?" presented by professor Eduard Bru on thursday, 25th February, 12:00 in the ETSAB conference hall. [link]

03-02- 2016|Badalona

>EXPOSITION PIN-B. MIXED FABRICS IN THE CONTEMPORARY METROPOLIS. 19:00h, Centre Cívic Can Cabanyes, Badalona. Opening of the exhibition about the results of the course Urbanística V-M, leaded by professors J. Bellmunt, Á. Clua, C. Crosas, S. Jornet and M. Ruisánchez. [link]

25-01- 2016|Barcelona

>SEMINAR ON THE ROAD. Research Group Urban Projects, Collective Spaces and Local Identities, from KU Leuven, along with LUB, organize on 25th and 26th January a PhD Seminar at the ETSAB. LUB Researchers Carles Crosas, Jorge Perea, Eulàlia Gómez and Álvaro Clua participate with different lectures. [link]

21-12- 2015|Barcelona

>ARTICLE The journal Proyecto. Progreso. Arquitectura publishes the article Slussen as a Paradigm. Architecture and Infrastructure in five stages, by LUB’s researcher Alvaro Clua. The article is included in the 13th publication entitled Arquitectura e Infraestructura. [link]


>ARTICLE Reivindicación de la Monumental. Maria Rubert de Ventos, Chair Professor of Urban Planning at the ETSAB-UPC, explains the situation in El Periódico of the Monumental bullring, putting it in relation to other actions undertaken in the city such as Las Arenas or the Forum. Noticing a tendency to give effective responses to ill-defined problems, it is proposed to rethink the proposed use of the building to launch a neighborhood improvement in relation with Passeig de La Marina, exploiting the potential of the ground floor and its central void. [link]


>Friday 4th of December, teacher  Eulàlia Gómez defended her DOCTORAL THESIS "Comerç, Ciutat. Paisatges arran de Terra.”, directed by professor Enric Serra and qualified as CUM LAUDE. Joan Busquets, Blanca Lleó, Kris Scheerlinck, Eduard Bru and Carles Crosas were the jury.
Congratulations, Eulàlia!


>OPENING_LECTURE “Una ciutat a dues velocitats. Escenaris a l’origen de la Tarragona Moderna.” Presented by profesor Josep Parcerisa November 26 in occasion of the beginning of the 2015-16 academic year in the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Reus.


>SEMINAR The Laboratori d'Urbanisme de Barcelona, along with Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UNCUYO) and LabMPCAT has organized a Seminar to the Gran Mendoza’s Metropolitan Area delegation, led by Mr. Alfredo Víctor Cornejo and four local governors. Professionals from the most representative public institutions in Barcelona (AMB, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Regional and UPC) have intervened Under the title Design, Management and Governance in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. [program]

September 2015|Barcelona

>PUBLICATIONCarles Crosas and Jorge Perea, both members of Laboratori d'Urbanisme de Barcelona, along with the Laboratory on Urbanism, Infrastructure and Ecologies, from Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), published the results of the international workshop UPCYCLE BARCELONA. Cogenerative strategies for a sustainable Urban Metabolism.[link]


>EXHIBITION Some of the last results on Barcelona Links, Racons Públics and Learning from Medellín are exhibited at PISO PILOTO expo at CCCB from 03.06 to 25.10 under the theme #Right to the city. Professors Àlex Giménez, Josep Parcerisa, Maria Rubert, Carles Crosas and Àlvaro Clua have been curators of that section. [link]


>PRESENTATION Presentation and discusion about the book Barcelona, 20th Century Urbanism from professor Josep Parcerisa, in the framework of Cicle Lletraferits "Al voltant dels hàbits... de Barcelona", moderated by professor Jorge Perea, in sala de graus of ETSAB at 19:30h. [link]

06-03-2015|Palma de Mallorca

>EXHIBITION Inauguration of the exhibition "Palma: Centralitat i densitat a l'Eixample Nord" in COAIB about the work produced in the course Taller de Projectes d'Urbanisme. Presentation and debate on friday, 6th March at 18:30h in the exhibition hall of COAIB.[link]


>LECTURE"Manuel de Solà-Morales. Porto. Passeio Atlantico", presented by professor Jorge Perea on thursday, 5th march, 10:30 in the ETSAB conference hall.


>LECTURE On the occasion ofInternational Graduate Research Symposium "Tabula Rasa" in Pamplona, researcher Álvaro Clúa presents the dissertation "Slussen before Slussen: built and imagined ideas". [link]

29-01-2015|Disseny HUB Barcelona

>EXHIBITION LUB collaborates with AMB in the framework of the exhibition Metròpolis Barcelona: 1975/2015. The period between 1975-2015 correspods to a great growth of Barcelona under the guideline of PGM and the development of a big european metropolis. During these years the urban land has been duplicated in the metropolitan cities. The transformation has been focused in the modernization of the infrastructures, the scale change of the tissues, the formalization of a new structure of green public spaces and the development of big metropolitan devices. [link]

02-12-2014| Barcelona

>EL PERIÓDICO Josep Parcerisa brings to the spotlight the accidents of Girona's AVE line in the article "Un precedent poc recomanable", in which he considers alternative solutions given to the railway crossings across urban cores. Starting from economic and political variables, it goes into detail about the true problems and prejudices that have given cause to the current situation of urban conciliation of the infrastructures within the cities. [link]

25-11-2014| ETSAB

>Tuesday 25th of November, LUB investigator Álvaro Clúa defended his MASTER THESIS "Building the interstice. From the Slussen as an urban project to the Stockholm of T. W-Olsson", directed by professor Josep Parcerisa and HONORS qualified.
Congratulations, Álvaro!

17-11-2014| Barcelona

>COMPETITION Bayona-Valero Architects Associates, together with Cantallops-Vicente Architects, has won the proposals' competition organized by BIMSA for the social center of Trinitat Nova, in Nou Barris district. Congratulations!

27-10-2014| Barcelona

>LECTURE+ARTICLE Josep Parcerisa and Àlvaro Clua publish the article Territorial Hypotheses after forty years of amendments to the general metropolitan plan, as part of Quaderns 05: Metropolitan research[1]. This study is a look at isolated amendments of the PGM intended to help make them visible from the point of view of a strategic and geographical understanding of their impact. [link]

22-10-2014| Santiago de Chile

>SEMINAR Santiago de Chile, 1929-1939. Ideas y formas de la ciudad moderna proposes a critical look into the urban knowledge included in Brunner's "modern city" plan, which will allow an interpretation of the operations that lead the urban development process and the urban condition with the main interventions. [link]

16-10-2014| Barcelona

>PUBLICATION Barcelona, 20th Century Urbanism outlines questions and answers to a century of urbanism in Barcelona stressing two key periods: the years in which Barcelona was conceived as a capital city and the years in which it was converted into a metropolis, always from the standpoint of the current matters of the city crucial for its future. [link]

5-10-2014| Barcelona

>PUBLICATION Carles Crosas, Jorge Perea and Josep Maria Solè contribute to Raval Barcelona Street Scape Territories Notebook, the compilation of reflections, interventions and conclusions arosen in the framework of the international workshop Streetscape Territories: Spaces of Inclusion. The starting point brings closer new anthropological and social facors to incorporate in the design process of the public space. [link]

24-06-2014| Barcelona

>DIARI ARA Josep Parcerisa proposes, in the article "Mancomunar la línia 9 del metro" an association between different administrations in order to complete the construction of the metro's line nine central section, arguing that it would be a great advance in the Barcelona's metropolitan area mobility . [link]

20-06-2014| Barcelona

>LECTURE The Urbanism Laboratory of Barcelona participates in the symposium organised by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia "Transició vers un nou model energètic".[link]

16-05-2014| Barcelona

>LECTURE+ARTICLE Maria Rubert outlines a reflection about the handling of open spaces in Green civic structures in metropolitan complexes, within the framework Quaderns 03: Urbanism of open spaces: landscape, leisure and production. Emphasizing this new spaces of oportunity, the article defends an approach which attends to the distinctive features within the area without refusing to follow a global proposal. [link]

15-05-2014| Barcelona

>PUBLICATION The Urbanism Laboratory of Barcelona has reedited Maria Rubert and Josep Parcerisa's La ciudad no es una hoja en blanco. The issue is an invitation to the knowledge of the facts that have build the city, as well as a promotion of the lessons that come from its conflicts and the compromises. [link]

26-03-2014| Barcelona

>LECTURE+ARTICLE Josep Parcerisa publishes the article El PGM en perspectiva, as part of Quaderns 01: Towards the writing of Pla Director Urbanístic metropolità, in which previous decisions made during the last decades are revised. It also develops a new questioning view, closer to the needs of many of the numerous disciplines involved. [link]

23-03-2014| Barcelona

>WORKSHOP Cogenerative design strategies for a sustainable urban metabolism focuses on urban design strategies to achieve a sustainable urban metabolism in an industrial district such as Barcelona's Zona Franca. [link]

20-03-2014|12.30 | ETSAB

>Thursday 20th of March architect and prof. José Rosas presents "Una ciudad americana" at the conference hall of ETSAB.

13-03-2014|19.30 | COAC

>Architect and urbanist Eduardo Mangada will give a talk on "MANUEL DE SOLÀ-MORALES ayer y hoy " on March 13th at the COAC conference hall.

20-02-2014|10.30 | ETSAB

>Thursday 20th of February Engineer José Luis Gómez Ordóñez presents "MANUEL DE SOLÀ-MORALES desde el Plan de la Ribera | Manuel de Solà-Morales from the Ribera Plan" in the ETSAB conference hall.


>WORKSHOP Streetscape Territories: Spaces of Inclusion is the workshop organised by the ETSAB and other european schools of architecture, wich focuses on the social dynamics of Barcelona's district Raval, proposing some solutions for the neighbourhood's future. [link]

14-01-2014|Santiago de Chile

>PRESENTATION PAPERS D'UR 04/2013 is presented at the PUC of Santiago de Chile. Professors Maria Rubert, Josep Parcerisa and Carles Crosas present Papers D'UR 04/2013 in the symposium "Urbanismo, disciplina y enseñanza" which will be held in the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Santiago de Chile. [link]


>Jordi Sardà gets the "X Concurso Arquia/Tesis" first award for his PhD thesis “Només imatge, vehicle de coneixement urbà”. [link]


Professor Josep Parcerisa has been designated Vice-rector of the UPC's Architecture Area in the team leaded by the Rector Enric Fossas, who was elleged last november by the UPC's community. The laboratory of urbanism wishes the best to the new board of directors.[link]


>EL PERIÓDICO In the context of FC Barcelona's recent announcement, wich has proposed to refurbish the old stadium or build a new one in the beginning of Diagonal Av., Josep Parcerisa argues for the the second option in the article " El Barça, a la Diagonal". [link]


>DEBATE The online video version of "Barcelona Links" wich was held on 29th November is now available. Joan Busquets, Judith carrera, Josep Llinàs, Miquel Roa, Maria Rubert and Josep Parcerisa took part in this debate.[link]


>EL PERIÓDICO Josep Parcerisa reviews the latest changes in Les Glòries square in the article called "Les Glòries, pam a pam". The author gives a critical reflexion about the future of the square and its urban projects to develop in.[link]

30-10-2013|Faculté d'Architecture La Cambre-Horta (ULB)

>LECTURE "Theory and Urban projects: Honoring Manuel de Solà-Morale" is the lecture presented by professors Carles Crosas, Jens Aerts, Kris Scheerlinck and Jorge Perea in the faculty of architecture of the Université Libre de Bruxelles on Oct 30th at 8:00 PM. [link]

17-10-2013|Association of Architects of Catalonia

>DEBATE: Architects Joan Busquets, Judit Carrera, Josep Llinàs, Miquel Roa, Maria Rubert, Josep Parcerisa will discuss some of the issues displayed in the exposition "Barcelona, Links". [link]

10-10-2013|Harvard GSD

>LECTURE: "Roots for a twenty first century urbanism" is the symposium dedicadated to the critical and theoretical legacy of professor Manuel de Solà Morales at the GSD Harvard Piper Auditorium on October 10th. [link]


>EL PERIÓDICO: Oriol Bohigas publishes "Enlaces de Barcelona", where he mentions the exhibition "Barcelona Links" organized by LUB, as well as the potential that the laboratory of urbanism has in terms of producing lines of research to approach the urban challenges of the city of Barcelona.[link]

30-09-2013|Association of Architects of Catalonia (COAC)

>EXHIBITION Opening of "Barcelona Links" exposition at 19:30 at the Conference Hall of the Assoctiation of Arhcitects of Catalonia (COAC) with the participation of architects Beth Galí and Xavier Monteys and comissioners Josep Parcerisa and Carles Crosas. The exposition will be opened until October 24th. [link]

27-09-2013|University of Virginia

>LECTURE Professor Manuel Bailo presents "Urban Catalyst. Against Indifference" lecture at the Campbell Hall (University of Virginia) on September 27th at 6:00 pm. [link]

26-09-2013|Santiago de Chile

> Architect Alberto Cruz, founder of the School of Architecture and Design of PUC Valparaiso has passed away. The Laboratory of Urbanism has had a close relationship with the main chilean schools; the one which had more personality was founded by Alberto Cruz and Godofredo Iommi. This link to the Mercurio's newspaper obituary is shared by all who met him and discovered and admired his vision on architecture. JP [link]


>EL PERIÓDICO Professor Maria Rubert de Ventós publishes "¿Rotondes o círculos viciosos?", in wich she questions the use of roundabouts to organise the traffic, providing some ideas that would improve the quality of the roads. [article]

11-09-2013|New York

> Professor Marshall Berman (1941) passed away on September 11th while he was having breakfast in a dinner in New York. His book "All that's solid is melt into air" is one of the most important essays about the city of New York. From the LUB we invite you to read the obituary published in the New York Times. [link]


>EL PERIÓDICO "Las aceras de los Encants" is the title of the new article in which professor Maria Rubert de Ventós proposes a new way to read and understand the sense and use of architecture around Glòries. [article]


>Professor Álex Giménez presents ten years of RACONS PÚBLICS in a new LUB short take. [Racons Públics Barcelona 2012]


>Forma urbis. Cinco ciudades bajo sospecha by teacher Josep Parcerisa Bundó has been recognised as one of the PREMIS FAD (FAD AWARDS) finalists of Critical and Thinking 2013.


>EL PERIÓDICO "El futuro de la arquitectura habla". The ETSAB Urbanism II-M students, with professors Àlex Giménez and Maria Rubert, have developed the last part of their excercise about the Besòs-Campus Llevant with an action in the school's outdoors. The act consisted on creating big numbers done with reused materials and parts of students models, which represents the volum of the cutbacks done to the UPC in the last months. [article]


>GIORNATE INTERNAZIONALI DI STUDIO SUL MURATTIANO To commemorate the bicentennial of the Borgo Murattiano Bari founding, professors Carles Crosas and Jordi Sardà participate in the International Murattiano Study Conferences held on April 22th and 23th in the city. [pdf]

21/23-04-2013|Diari El País

>Maria Rubert publishes “Costes de la Ley de Costas", denunciation of the urban development of the coastline of our country in the recent years and tribute to the important figure of Manuel Ribas Piera (1925-2013), praising its discretion, civic interest and passion for landscape and territory.[+]

19-04-2013|Ateneu Barcelonés

>The Arquitectes per l'Arquitectura (WxH) Collective in collaboration with the Ateneo Barcelones organizes a cycle of LECTURES-DIALOGUE about the future of Barcelona. Based on the issues presented in "Deu Lliçons sobre Barcelona", it will be discussions on current city planning from the hand of some professionals, including several teachers of the Laboratory and the Urbanism Department.

14-03-2013| Barcelona

>Manuel Ribas Piera, Professor of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, passed away on Thursday March 14th in Barcelona. Doctor of Architecture and Bachelor of Laws, he was Professor of Urbanism at the UPC from 1956 to 1990, where he began studying landscaping. Renowned author of works of architecture, urban plans for Catalan and Spanish cities and of various publications, received the Creu de Sant Jordi from the Generalitat de Catalunya (2001). The Laboratory of Urban laments his death and expresses his condolences to the family.


14-02-2013|10.30 | ETSAB

>Thursday 14th of February Architect Oriol Clos presents "MANUEL DE SOLÀ-MORALES al port de Saint-Nazaire (1995-2002) | Manuel de Solà-Morales into the Saint-Nazaire harbour (1995-2002)" in the ETSAB conference hall.


>Past Wednesday 12th of December. professor Jordi Sardà defended his DOCTORAL TESIS "Només Imatges. La targeta postal, vehicle de coneixement urbà | Images only. The postcard, vehicle of urban knowledge ”, directed by teacher Manuel de Solà-Morales, co-directed by professor Maria Rubert and qualified with a CUM LAUDE. Rafael Moneo, Josep Parcerisa, Manolo Laguillo, Carmen Bonell and Pau Solà-Morales were the jury.
Congratulations, Jordi!

10-12-2012| Diari ARA

>Josep Parcerisa publishes “Llorca-Montpeller i l’eix mediterrani | Lorca-Montpellier and the Mediterranean axis in ARA newspaper talking about high velocity development politics in the Spanisht State as the AVE has finally arrived to Girona and Figueres. .[+]

4-12-2012|at 19.30|COAC

>Presentation of the book FORMA URBIS. CINCO CIUDADES BAJO SOSPECHA | Forma Urbis. Five cities under sispicion.
by Josep Parcerisa Bundó.

Will take part, besides the author:
Manuel Ruisánchez, COAC vowel and DUOT teacher
Joan Busquets, Urban Planning Design Harvard Graduated School teacher.
Antoni Marí, writer, Art theory teacher UPF

26-11-2012|at 12.00|Fabra i Coats

>Professor Francesc Bacardit and Manuel Ruisánchez presents the FABRA i COATS project and work in a new LUB short take.


1-10-2012|at 12.00|LUB

>GLÒRIES DISCUSSION is a new LUB short take in which Daniel Mòdol presents his experience with the recent project and Miquel Corominas will take the turn first to make a preliminary intervention talking about some background references.


27/29-09-2012|Petit Palau de la Música |COAC |ETSAB

>Thursday 27th of September starts the seventh edition of the EUROPEAN LANDSCAPE BIENNIAL organized by the DUOT Landscape team.
In the Biennial set, it will be possible to visit the Contest “Portes de Collserola” exposition until October 15th, convened on 2011 fall and in which some ot the Investigation Group members took part.


>Carles Crosas gets the EXTRAORDINARY DOCTORATE AWARD 2012. Congratulations!


read tesis
30-07-2012 i 29-08-2012| Diari ARA

>“Eurovegas: la mida sí que importa | Eurovegas: size matters. Josep Parcerisa gives his opinion in the SPECIAL ISSUE ARA newspaper dedicates to one of the last months main discussion subject. [+]

At the end of summer, the new Barcelona bus lines are a good ocasison to debate about general mobility in the city, focusing on “La Diagonal del tot o res | The all or nothing Diagonal”, where Parcerisa rough out some lines related to the public transport, the Diagonal failed discussion and the future of the 22@ sector. [+]


>LUB_DIGITAL_LIBRARY LUB incorporates in high definition and digital book format the UR-revista 1985-1992.
You can now consult all its numbers online! [+]


>LUB_DIGITAL_LIBRARY LUB is now incorporating in high definition and digital book format the UR-revista 1985-1992.
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29-05-2012 | Diari ARA

>“Aragó i Gran Via, les últimes autopistes urbanes de BCN | Aragó and the Gran Via, the last urban highways in BCNis the ARTICLE Josep Parcerisa publishes in ARA newspaper. The text incises in the nowadays functionality of these main ways of the city and how they could be rethought in terms of global mobility. "If the Gran Via has double traffic direction now, from Plaça Espanya to Hospitalet, why it couldn't be on its whole dimention?".

25-05-2012 | ETSAB

>Thursday 25th of March, teacher  Manuel Bailo defends his DOCTORAL TESIS "Contra la Indiferència: Catalitzadors de la Urbanitat | Against indifference: urbanity catalysts”, directed by professor Enric Serra and CUM LAUDE qualified. Iñaki Ábalos, Jaime Coll, Quim Español, Gloria Moure and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto were the court.
Congratulations, Manuel!

10-05-2012 Barcelona

>>The TRIBUTE to Manuel de Solà-Morales was celebrated with big success. In the morning, 4 panel discussions glossed the figure of this architect and teacher in the ESTAB conference hall, with dialogues around his contribution to areas as education, investigation, divulgation and professional practice. A comemorative act has been celebrated at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània in the afternoon, centered in the relation between Manuel de Solà-Morales and Barcelona. This act was organized by the Laboratori d'Urbanisme, in which have took part over 60 professionals of all around the world with hundred attendees in both auditoriums. 

check program
10-05-2012 Barcelona

>>Papers D’UR 03/2012 it's presented, monographic about the figure and work of Manuel de Solà-Morales. This edition contains over a hundred memories, sketches and impressions of a lot of his friends, disciplies and collaborators who have answered to the magazine call. All this voices want to construct a polyhedral portrait of his activity and influence.

  27-02-2012 Barcelona

>>Below you will find the main glosses to his work that have been published during these weeks:
-Joan Busquets, El gran llegat urbanístic de Solà-Morales, La Vanguardia, March 18th, 2012
-Antoni Marí, El hombre y la ciudad, La Vanguardia, February 29th, 2012
-Lluís Domènech, Manuel de Solà-Morales, el arquitecto que ayudó a abrir Barcelona al mar, El País, February 28th 2012.

06-03-2012|CB-11, ETSAB

>Last Tuesday 6th, the Chilean architect Rocío Hidalgo, PUC teacher, defended his doctoral TESIS "Las estaciones que fundaron el metro en Santiago de Chile | The stations which founded Santiago de Chile's underground ", directed by professor Jodep Parcersia and CUM LAUDE qualified. The court was formed by professors Eduard Bru, Maria Rubert, Blanca Lleó, José Rosas and J.L. Gómez Ordoñez.


  27-02-2012 Barcelona

>> It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Manuel de Solà-Morales, architect, beloved professor and founder of the Barcelona Urbanism Laboratory, on Monday, February 27, 2012.  Over more than half a century Professor Solà-Morales' masterful teaching
has served many of us as a guiding light.  Indeed, this website was created to disseminate his ideas and projects along with the work of countless other teachers who have looked to him for inspiration.  We now invite his many students, colleagues and friends around the world to offer your tributes and remembrances here.

© Rosa Feliu

  22-12-2011|12:30|ETSAB conference hall

>>D’UR presents “l’Urbanisme pot fer que les coses siguin millors | Urbanism can make things better ”, Joan Busquets magistral conference, teacher in the GSD of Harvard and recently awarded with the 2011 Erasmus Award, Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme and the Premio Nacional de Cultura, arquitectura y espacio público 2011.

22-12-2011|14:00|Vestíbulo CODERCH, ETSAB

>We have closed PAPERS 02 D'UR. Teacher Joan Busquets join us in the printed edition presentation at the ETSAB hall.


>Pensament i ciutat | Thought and city is the title of the ARTICLE that Manuel de Solà-Morales publishes in ARA newspaper. The author praises the Centre de Cultura contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) for having inveted and built "(...) from over 20 years, a perfect intellectual gear around the city concept".


>EN PARAL·LEL short take. Josep Bohigas, Josep Ferrando, Ariadna Perich y Marta Peris presents them studies for this avenue transformation.

Architectes: J. Ayala, J. Ferrando, E. Ortega, A. Perich, M. Peris, S. Serrat, M. Sisternas, J. Zabala

26-09-2011|a les 19:00|COAC

>Teacher Àlex Giménez presents the summary of the successful contest “RACONS PÚBLICS” at the central headquarter of the Col.legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya. Giménez summed up the results of the different editions and analized the repercussion of the proposals and projects built up. Racons Públics, organized with the FAD and Periódico de Catalunya support, jumps to other cities, opening the first edition in Castellón and with Sao Paulo, Bruselas or París as future possible locations.

22-09-2011|El Periódico

>ARTICLE Coinciding with the "closuer" of the bull fighting in the Monumental, Maria Rubert suggests opening the "square" to new uses and try to improve its surroundings thanks to this impulse. Also says that, more than organizing a brainstorming contest to rebuild the building to new functions, it would be worthy imagining activities and programs that fit in its splendid architecture.



>CATHEDRA Teacher Maria Rubert is named urbanism Professor of the ETSAB. Congratulations!



>PUBLICATION Some equipment projects are the main subject of this publication: “Equipaments: l'ordenació dels conjunts dotacionals: Barcelona, dotze exemples | Equipments: endowment set ordination: Barcelona, twelve examples ”,  Barcelona, Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2011. 9788498503159.  

The Guinardó set (Marta Bayona and others), the Ferran Junoy-Maquinista propossal (Bailo-Rull) and the Casernas de Sant Andreu (M. De Solà-Morales) are included in this publication directed by Ricard Fayos, with presentation by Carles Crosas.

30-05-2011|a las 19.00|CCCB

>DISCUSSION Teacher Josep Parcerisa takes part in the discussion MEDELLÍN-BARCELONA: DOS MODELOS URBANÍSTICOS EN DIÁLOGO | Medellin-Barcelona, dialogue between two urban models, included into the Cátedra Medellí-Barcelona program, promoted by the Fundación Kreanta.

11-05-2011|La Vanguardia

>ARTICLE Eulàlia Gómez, LUB investigator, expresses her opinion in the section “La ciudad vista por los arquitectos | City seen through architects eyes ”, in the special “Microcirugía urbana | Urban microsurgery that La Vanguardia dedicates to Barcelona. In ocassion of the unsuccessful Diagonal consulting, Gómez Escoda explains that some of the future city challenges should be seen from a metropolitan scale.

5-05-2011|13.00|CODERCH HALL

>EXPOSITION "El Efecto Cerdà. Ensanches mayores y menores / The Cerdà Effect. Greater and Lesser Ensanches”. DUOT-ETSAB.  Inauguration of the itenerant exposition that expresses the present and formation of the "ensanches" of over twenty Spanish cities.

>Presentation PUBLICATION with the same title of the Professor Ángel Martín Ramos, with architect Juli Esteban Noguera colaboration. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya,  Col·leció d'Arquitectura, 9788476535844, 2011
5-05-2011|a las 13.00|CODERCH HALL

>Inauguration EXPOSITION. "La construcción del plano de Santiago de 1910 | The construction of the 1910 Santiago planning ". Explanation panels and intentioned cartographies shows the process and result of the construction of the 1910 city in 1 / 5000 scale.

Investigators: José Rosas, Wren Strabucchi, Germán Hidalgo, Italo Cordano, Lorena Farías, Magdalena Vicuña
INVESTIGACIÓN FONDECYT N°1085253 (2008-11) / 1110684 (2011-14)
5-05-2011|a las 11.00| ETSAB CONFERENCE HALL

>D'UR and ETSAB presents JOSÉ ROSAS VERA ( Dean Facultad de arquitectura, Diseño y estudios Urbanos PUC Chile).
Lecture at the ETSAB conference hall “ La construcción del plano de santiago de 1910 | The construction of the 1910 Santiago planning ".


>PUBLICATION The day of the inauguration of the transformed "plaza de Toros de Las Arenas", teacher Maria Rubert writes in El Periódico “A levitating façade for an inhospitable square”, Rubert makes a quick route through the square significance and its surroundings for Barcelona and makes us thing about which could be the paper of this new mall located in the "ensanche" border, as a joby between Avinguda del Paral·lel and carrer de Sants.


>PUBLICATION Una teoría urbana | A urban theory, is the title of the article that Luís Domènech publishes in Culturas La Vanguardia about the propossal of Manuel de Solà-Morales for El Prat Nord contest. In ocassion of the publishing of the project documents (Prat Nord, 6+6, Edicions de Cantonada, 2010) the author highlights that it is all about "an excercise of reflexion that goes beyond the conventional urban terms".

17-03-2011|a las 13.30|ETSAB CONFERENCE HALL

>Lecture "Más allá de la superficie | Beyond the surface" of JORGE RODRÍGUEZ-GERADA, Urban artist whot will present his works in several cities. ETSAB y D'UR.



>APPRECIATION Joan Busquets, cofounder of the Laboratori d'Urbanisme, received the prestigious 2011 Erasmus Award for his "outsanding and multifaceted work in urban planning". This award is annually granted by the Fundación Praemium Erasmianum – linked to the Royal Dutch House – to people or institutions who has made exceptional contributions to the European culture.

30-11-2010|a las 12.00|CB-11 CLASSROOM

>Conference "Lo ordinario | The ordinary " of ENRIQUE WALKER, Teacher GSAPP (Columbia University, NY). Optional "Learning from NY". ETSAB and D'UR.


25-11-2010|a las 14.00|ETSAB HALL

>We have closed PAPERS o1 D'UR. Presenting the printed edition and starting with the new Papers o2 subjectes., we invite you to comment, to participate in its sections and to join us in a cocktail at the ETSAB hall.


25-11-2010|a las 12.30| ETSAB CONFERENCE HALL

>D'UR and ETSAB presents Teacher ALBERTO FERLENGA (IUAV, Venezia) in the lecture “Momenti di passaggio/Momentos de cambio | Changing times”.

20-09-2010|at 12.00|

> DISCUSSION session about the CAMP DE TARRAGONA, with Antonio Font (in ocassion of the "Plan Director Urbanístico de la área central del Camp") and Jordi Sardà interventions, presenting the monographic number of AT#19 magazine.


>Dinner-celebration. Teacher MIQUEL DOMINGO culminates an over 40 year teaching career. He was one of the Laboratori d'Urbanisme founder and Director of the Departament d'Urbanisme i IOrdenació del Territori (1999-2006). Author of projects and publications about Barcelona's urban history, pioneer in studies about Cerdà and his "Ensanche" and specialized in the Catalonia's railway, inter alia.

21-06-2010|at 12.00|

>"PONENCIAS BARCELONA | BARCELONA LECTURES" is the title of the Short Take in which Maria Rubert, Josep Parcerisa and Miquel Roa presents some of the tesis about movility, transport and infrastructures in this city, the week after the "debat diagonal | diagonal discussion" .


>DEBATE DIAGONAL | DIAGONAL DISCUSSION: María Rubert and Josep Parcerisa  takes part of the discussion day.
UPC y el Tram en la Diagonal | UPC and the Tram in Diagonal.

22-04-2010| from 12.30 to 14.30| ETSAB CONFERENCE HALL

>EL AÑO CERDÁ en la etsab | THE CERDÀ YEAR at the ETSAB
PresentS: Ferrán Sagarra
Manuel de Solá-Morales, "CERDÁ/ENSANCHE"
PANEL DISCUSSION with E. Bru/M. Corominas/J. L. Gómez-Ordóñez/P. Panerai/M. de Solá-Morales
Moderation by: Enric Serra

20-04-2010 |

> LUB publishes the BOOK "CERDÁ/ENSANCHE" by MANUEL DE SOLÁ-MORALES. Carles Crosas (ed). UPC-ETSAB, 2010.

An anthology of his most remarcable texts dedicated to the Ildefonso Cerdà figure and to the Barcelona "Ensanche", in a revised version, illustrated (pictures by Rosa Feliu) and bilingual Spanish-English.

 Foto: ARNAL BALLESTER 13 / 21-04-2010|

>DIAGONAL DISCUSSION: María Rubert exposes new reasonings about the Diagonal in an interview to a La Vanguardia and in an article in El Periódico.
De Esplugues a Badalona en Diagonal', El periódico, 21/04/2010, p.8 link
'La Diagonal necesita un autobús exprés', La Vanguardia, 13/04/2010, VeB, p.3 link


>PUBLICATION: Manuel de Solá-Morales publishes in La Vanguardia: ¿CALLES RECTAS, CALLES CURVAS? | STRAIGHT STREETS, CURVED STREETS?, A reflection about an "esthetic and ideological" dilema that focus two alternative visions in the way the cities could be built. A propossal that comes from the romanticism trace in the 19th century architecture and urban planning and it is focused in its derivations and present contemporaneous character.


>PRESENTATION of the book "L'AGENDA CERDÀ: CONSTRUINT LA BARCELONA METROPOLITANA/ The Cerdà Agenda: Constructing Metropolitan Barcelona".
Organized by the Institut Cerdá y el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Coordinator: Joan Fuster y Sobrepere. Texts by M. de Solá-Morales, Josep Parcerisa and Joan Busquets, inter alia..

15-03-2010 |

>Publication of the BOOK of the exposition: 12 TESIS en relación al proceso de formación del Ensanche Cerdá de Barcelona | 12 TESIS in relation to the formational proces of the Barcelona's Ensanche Cerdà". Enric Serra, Eulalia Gómez and Mario Jiménez, ed. EDICIONS ETSAB

12-03-2010 to  09-04-2010 |ETSAB HALL

>"12 TESIS en relación al proceso de formación del Ensanche Cerdá de Barcelona"
EXPOSITION inauguration by the Urbanisme i Ordenació del Territori Department.

La elaboración de una tesis doctoral se fundamenta en el deseo de conocimiento por sí mismo; el conocimiento de un aspecto más o menos confuso del mundo que nos rodea. Por tanto, es un acto de generosidad intelectual que nace de la curiosidad. Una curiosidad seria que empuja al estudioso a adentrarse en espacios del saber hasta entonces inexplorados. La docena de tesis que presentamos en esta exposición fueron hechas por aspirantes al doctorado que, en la tradición crítica del cuestionarse, cayeron en la tentación de los porqués e incluso del qué hacer. La legitimidad de los porqués es más razonable en el ámbito de los fenómenos urbanos y con más razón si el hecho estudiado es de la magnitud y singularidad del Ensanche Cerdá. Los autores de esta antología coinciden en este campo de investigación. Cada uno de ellos indagó en el amplio baúl del Ensanche de Barcelona del último cuarto del siglo pasado y extrajeron temas adecuados a sus obsesiones y aptitudes. Todos juntos nos ofrecen las claves que descifran el laberinto complejo que nuestra sociedad civil tubo que atravesar a lo largo de siglo y medio para convertir la profecía inicial de Ildefonso Cerdà en la ciudad de hoy. Trabajos que se encuentran entre los frutos más provechosos de la vida y milagros de los Departamentos Universitarios y Centros de Investigación, entidades que han mecido y orientado, mediante la dirección y la crítica, la pertinencia de los objetivos iniciales y el rigor metodológico de su desarrollo. Enric Serra, comisario

09-02-2010 to les 19.00h |

>PANEL DISCUCCION at the ETSAB: Renewal of the discussion about one of the main transformational areas in Barcelona. Interventions of María Rubert, con Julián Galindo and Aurora López (Urbanisme director of the 22@).

08-02-2010 to 02-03-2010 | ETSAB HALL

>EXPOSITION: "ALONGSIDE PERE IV" La ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences presents at the ETSAB their works about the 22@ zone. María Rubert presenting.
pdf publication
text presentation

10-12-09 to 13-12-2009 |COAC

>"ARQUITECTURAS DE IDA Y VUELTA. PATRIMONIO COLONIAL, INDIO Y CONTEMPORÁNEO EN CUBA , CATALUÑA Y OTRAS EXPERIENCIAS".Course included in "Las Jornadas Internacionales sobre la Intervención en el Patrimonio Arquitectónico en la XXXII edición del Cursillo". COAC 10-13 december 2009

Teachers of the Laboratori d'Urbanisme de Barcelona (María Rubert, C.Crosas and X. Eizaguirre) took part in these lecture days with contributions about colonial urbanism and the intervention in the cities. Sert and TPA projects for iberoamerican cities, the transformation and the El Vedado de La Havana heritage and the discussion about intervention strategies on La Habana singularity, are subjects their lectures talked about.

December 2009 |

>PUBLICATION: Quaderns d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme magazine presents “Ciudad jardín, ciudad central. El Vedado, La Habana | Garden city, central city. El Vedado, La Habana”, by Manuel de Solá-Morales and Carles Crosas.
Num. 259. December 2009. pp. 70-79



Title of the opening course 2009-2010 conference by Manuel de Solá-Morales y Rubió, named Professor Emeritus of the UPC.

summer 2009

>PUBLICATION:Polígonos sin alrededores | Polygons without surroundings"  by María Rubert it's presented in the Fundación Antoni TÀpies, 2009. A project of PG Romero. ARCHIVO F.X. : La ciudad Vacia. Política

spring 2009 |

>PUBLICATION: María Rubert and Xavier Monteys presents "Transformación urbana y espacio público. De la A a la Z | Urban transformation and public space. From A to Z" in the book Más es Más. Sociedad y Cultura en la España democrática , 1986-2008 | More is more. Society and Culture in the democratic Spain, 1986-2008” by Jordi Gracia and Domingo Ródenas de Moya (eds